Sleep Better
- by Tushar Swami

An average human sleeps 8 hours a day. On calculating, almost 2920 hours in a year. One-third of a year! So why not sleep it all in comfort and pleasure?
Sleeping or your sleep schedule works as a rejuvenating mechanism for your body. It maintains your health and regulates your lifestyle making it sumptuous and carefree. Good sleep matters…
Similarly, the Pillow you sleep on also matters!
If you are not sleeping on the right cushion or pillow can cause several health issues. How to identify whether you are sleeping on the right cushion or not?
Are you facing frequent:
1. Neck aches and Headaches:
The curve between your neck and head balances the weight of your head when you are upright. It is a mandate to maintain that curve while you sleep to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck. In continuum, when these muscles get tensed and don't get enough relaxation; leads to headaches.
2. Shoulder Pain:
It’s a common symptom of bad posture and incomplete sleep. It hurts between the shoulder blades due to the lack of a pillow or the inappropriate height of the pillow while you sleep.
3. Back pain:
When your pillow fails to support your neck, it leads to back pain. It is necessary to maintain the natural curve of your body while you sleep. If you miss out on the alignment, it leads to lower back pain. A good pillow maintains the alignment between your lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine.
4. Restlessness or poor sleep:
Not getting a proper texture or cushion material gives discomfort and sometimes a lack of sleep. Nor too spongy, nor too slim a pillow would be comfortable while you sleep. It hampers your mood, productivity, etc.
5. Digestive issues:
People who generally sleep on their back tend to get acid reflux issues. If their pillow is too flat it fails to maintain an elevation between the digestive tract and throat. Leading to coughing and choking on acid reflux amid sleeping hours.
6. Breathing issues:
A wrong pillow can lead to snoring, stopping breathing for a while then gasping for air. It can be irritating to disrupt your sleep with a lack of oxygen.
Then it’s time you change your cushion.
Depending on your Sleep style:
Back sleepers:
Sleeping in the back position is recommended as it keeps your posture aligned. Pillow needs a height of 4-6 inches. The best-recommended type of pillow is- Cervical pillow or neck roll pillow.
Side Sleepers:
Side sleepers generally need a heightened pillow to maintain space between their shoulder and neck. An average height of 5-7 inches is preferred. Memory foam pillows are best suggested.
Stomach sleepers:
Sleeping on the stomach needs flatter pillows of height 4 inches or less. Having a low height can give you comfort and reduce snoring, and sleep apnea to an extent.
Combination sleepers:
If you like to flip all night long then adjustable pillows with contours are the best. So your pillow can also flip with you. Bamboo pillows or shredded memory foam pillows are recommended.
Sleeping on inclination:
If you like to sleep on your couch or sleep with an inclination, then having an adjustable wedge-shaped pillow is a must to maintain your posture.
Frido Wedge Lumbar Cushions with memory foam are slim to adjust with your headrest or on your couch. Memory foam in the cushion relaxes your lumbar and supports your spine unleashing ultimate comfort.
So make sure you check on your pillow before you sleep and happy sleeping!